Vivienne Space Pirate Trio Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting edition by Elle Saint James Literature Fiction eBooks

[Siren Menage Everlasting Erotic Futuristic Sci-Fi Menage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, HEA] Vivienne Cardero must escape her planet after her powerful warlord father is murdered. She is rescued from robotically enhanced mercenaries sent by her murderous uncle by three space pirates who have accepted a new anonymous job to bring Vivienne to Ancient Earth. But they must journey through a dangerous wormhole to deliver her before the poison she's ingested kills her. Jack Westerly, Parker Killian, and Ray Edwards, while seizing forgotten treasures from remote planets, rescue Vivienne. They have no intention of falling in love with her, but they do. Taking her to Ancient Earth will save her, but when their ship is fired upon before exiting the wormhole, they go adrift. They must fight to survive as their power and life support dwindle and Vivienne's condition worsens. If by some miracle they are liberated from this catastrophe, can the trio get their love to Ancient Earth in time? And what awaits her there? Sanctuary and a cure? Or the person who poisoned her? ** A Siren Erotic Romance
Vivienne Space Pirate Trio Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting edition by Elle Saint James Literature Fiction eBooks
I enjoyed reading Vivienne’s Space Pirate Trio by Elle Saint James. The world building is interesting, and the descriptions of Earth, and the galaxy are well thought out. I loved how Jack, Parker and Ray fall in love with Vivienne and her vivacious personality, and Vivienne as a person is just lovely. I thought the author handled the whole situation with Vivienne’s sex drive being doubled because of the poison very well, and her explanation of how Vivienne’s emotions do not change because of it is well explained. The love scenes are hot and explosive and add depth to the story. If you enjoy science fiction romance with a huge kick of spice, then you will enjoy Vivienne’s Space Pirate Trio.Regina
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
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Tags : Vivienne's Space Pirate Trio (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) - Kindle edition by Elle Saint James. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Vivienne's Space Pirate Trio (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting).,ebook,Elle Saint James,Vivienne's Space Pirate Trio (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting),Siren Publishing
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Vivienne Space Pirate Trio Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting edition by Elle Saint James Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I enjoyed reading Vivienne’s Space Pirate Trio by Elle Saint James. The world building is interesting, and the descriptions of Earth, and the galaxy are well thought out. I loved how Jack, Parker and Ray fall in love with Vivienne and her vivacious personality, and Vivienne as a person is just lovely. I thought the author handled the whole situation with Vivienne’s sex drive being doubled because of the poison very well, and her explanation of how Vivienne’s emotions do not change because of it is well explained. The love scenes are hot and explosive and add depth to the story. If you enjoy science fiction romance with a huge kick of spice, then you will enjoy Vivienne’s Space Pirate Trio.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

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