An African Adventure eBook Isaac Frederick Marcosson 18761961

HardPress Classic Books Series
An African Adventure eBook Isaac Frederick Marcosson 18761961
Published in 1921, this is the author's account of a post-WWI journey from Capetown through Rhodesia and the Congo. Having been a correspondent in Europe during the war, he had a number of contacts (including General Smuts and King Leopold of Belgium) that resulted in exceptional access to transportation and otherwise remote areas.This is an interesting book on two counts. Firstly, it includes a panopoly of images of Africa at critical period of transition, including details of early diamond mining, river transport, rail travel, etc. There are stories of African life (both native and European), laced together by the thread of colonial rule.
Secondly, the author discusses the personalities (such as Rhodes, Jameson, and Smuts) who stood as giants of their time. Interestingly he points out that Americian engineers were crucial to developing the mines and railways. I think that with Churchill we passed the era when one man, by dint of personality and intellect, could direct the currents of history. Africa was the last sphere where great men (for good or bad) can be said to have had an indisputable impact still visible more than a century later.
I greatly enjoy period books such as this. It would be a great mistake to approach "An African Adventure" with the intent of judging by our standards and with 20-20 hindsight. For one thing, the author was as much a product of his time as we are of ours. This shows through in his attitude towards colonialization and race.
But the book is well-written and the stories well-told. Unconsciously, I found myself deeply admiring those who faced and overcame the challenges of developing the "Dark Continent". It was with effort that I had to remind myself that the outcome of these heroic efforts were, to say the least, questionable. Regardless, it is difficult to deny the force of character required to accomplish such feats.
I hardily recommend this book. My only warning is that it may cause you (as it did me) to spend an inordinate amount of time delving into 19th Century African history.
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Tags : Buy An African Adventure: Read 5 Kindle Store Reviews -,ebook,Isaac Frederick Marcosson 1876-1961,An African Adventure,HardPress,History,History General,History: World & General,History General,History: World & General,History
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An African Adventure eBook Isaac Frederick Marcosson 18761961 Reviews
I agree fully with the first reviewer but beware - the cheap version does not contain photos which are an important addition to the tale. They can be seen on the web version however.
You have got to read this one. I enjoyed it so much. Gotta say it's been added to my collection of read over again books.
Not a bad book but I have read better.Well worth the price though.
Published in 1921, this is the author's account of a post-WWI journey from Capetown through Rhodesia and the Congo. Having been a correspondent in Europe during the war, he had a number of contacts (including General Smuts and King Leopold of Belgium) that resulted in exceptional access to transportation and otherwise remote areas.
This is an interesting book on two counts. Firstly, it includes a panopoly of images of Africa at critical period of transition, including details of early diamond mining, river transport, rail travel, etc. There are stories of African life (both native and European), laced together by the thread of colonial rule.
Secondly, the author discusses the personalities (such as Rhodes, Jameson, and Smuts) who stood as giants of their time. Interestingly he points out that Americian engineers were crucial to developing the mines and railways. I think that with Churchill we passed the era when one man, by dint of personality and intellect, could direct the currents of history. Africa was the last sphere where great men (for good or bad) can be said to have had an indisputable impact still visible more than a century later.
I greatly enjoy period books such as this. It would be a great mistake to approach "An African Adventure" with the intent of judging by our standards and with 20-20 hindsight. For one thing, the author was as much a product of his time as we are of ours. This shows through in his attitude towards colonialization and race.
But the book is well-written and the stories well-told. Unconsciously, I found myself deeply admiring those who faced and overcame the challenges of developing the "Dark Continent". It was with effort that I had to remind myself that the outcome of these heroic efforts were, to say the least, questionable. Regardless, it is difficult to deny the force of character required to accomplish such feats.
I hardily recommend this book. My only warning is that it may cause you (as it did me) to spend an inordinate amount of time delving into 19th Century African history.

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